Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Baghdad detritus

“George Bush has always been a gambler but this is his most audacious bet yet. Most Americans now believe that America has lost the war in Iraq. Only last month the Baker-Hamilton group, a bipartisan group of wise men (and one wise woman) told Congress that the situation in Iraq was “grave and deteriorating”. It recommended a managed withdrawal, dangling the prospect of the bulk of America’s combat troops pulling out in early 2008. This week Mr Bush rejected that advice … It would be foolish to argue that Mr Bush’s plan is certain of success. Even if it does succeed, this would not be “victory” in any normal sense. Iraq is likely to be violent and unstable for years to come. Contrary to what Mr Bush said this week, the dream of turning it into a democratic model for other Arabs has died.” The Economist Newspaper Limited 2007