Thursday, October 04, 2007

Game and risk - juego y riesgo

“Research has consistently shown that aggressive video console and PC games elicit aggressive cognitions, affect, and behaviors … men who played a racing game subsequently took higher risks in computer-simulated critical road traffic situations than did men who played a neutral game.” Fischer, P. et al. Virtual Driving and Risk Taking: Do Racing Games Increase Risk-Taking Cognitions, Affect, and Behaviors? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 2007 Mar Vol 13(1) 22-31.
“La investigación ha mostrado consistentemente que las video consolas agresivas afloran comportamientos y actitudes agresivas …los que jugaron un juego de carreras tomaron después riesgos mayores en una situación de tráfico simulada por ordenador que los que habían jugado un juego normal”