Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Change of tendency

“The industrial world's emissions of greenhouse gases are growing again, despite efforts under the Kyoto Protocol to cap them and stave off global warming, the United Nations reported on Monday.” News 24.com.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Diffuse words

Global warming will cost the world up to seven trillion dollars in the next decade unless governments take drastic action soon, according to a major British report.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Social contradictions

“Marauding youths torched hundreds of vehicles overnight and on Saturday in renewed violence coinciding with the first anniversary of riots that exposed a deep schism between poor North African immigrants and mainstream France.” (AP) CLICHY-SOUS-BOIS, France.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Emerging from the light

Something is erupting in the human brain in the moment of creation, in the moment that arts and every manifestation of life come to light from nowhere, and neurons reflect it in a chain of shadows and lights, like a palpitation. The fact that what appears to the naked eye cannot be seen does not mean that it does not exist.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The gun machine

Every time more sophisticated, it imposes the law of its owners in a globalization world, against every frontier, against every tide. The machine is based on the social structures which are common to every empire, and which feel pleasure with the destruction of everything that they do not understand or do not know.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Extinction 65 million years ago

Extinction is the process of disappearance, the process by which everything within a species is lost forever in the way is known to others. It has always been like that, and it is an ancient process. Forms and colours degrade in the way species fade and are unable to survive in a changing environment. This also happens in social relations or in the human mind, but for different reasons.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


WWF's Extinction
Living Planet Report 2006, which explores the overall impact of humankind on the planet, reports that the world's natural ecosystems are being degraded at a rate unprecedented in human history. The report confirms that humanity is using the planet's resources faster than they can be renewed and that populations of vertebrate species have declined by about one third since 1970.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The debate about terrorism and violence

Pres. Bush said today: "The enemy changes, and we change. The enemy adapts to our strategies and tactics and we adapt to theirs. We are constantly changing to defeat this enemy. But if Democrats were to take control, their policy is pretty clear to me. It's cut and run".

Monday, October 23, 2006

Post-modern thought process

The thought process of the modern era here involves distance sighting and self focused perspective. Arrogance, complacency and capricious behaviours are mixed with bulks of information supporting superficial compassion.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


"Majorities of Iraqi youth in Arab regions of the country believe security would improve and violence decrease if the U.S.-led forces left immediately, according to a State Department poll that provides a window into the grim warnings provided to policymakers", by Latherine Shrader, Associated Press Writer.


Kim Jong-il apologized for the nuclear test on October 9th and told a high ranking Chinese envoy that there would not be anymore such tests. The North Korean Leader said “we have no plans for additional nuclear tests," South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported Friday. Yonhap cited an unidentified diplomatic source in Beijing.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Evolving parallel dialogue

Dialogue is a parallel process in which there is evolution of forms and words. It can also become enriched with the participations of other lines, background blocks and forms. But it also has a theme, a central corpse where it is founded.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beauty design

Beauty is clearly a relative concept which depends on social and institutional factors. But beauty follows also from the intrinsic lines of anyone, which is not perceptible to the naked eye.

Pre-frontal windowing

Windowing is part of modern culture, since everything is embedded in windows. This shows how windows might landscape in a pre-frontal cerebral way, i.e. emulating what windowing would be in a human brain.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Out of place, poverty level

The poverty level is something relative, but nevertheless is quite evident. The evidence comes from the sense of desolation and abandonment at which the finger of the poverty line points at. How to get out of this? Shadows from hope might be present in every else mind.

Culture architecture

Culture has something of a building up process. It is like architecture, since it is based on some principles and developed upon them. This is the case for any culture, eastern or western. And it can be appreciated in any artistic manifestation, but in particular in architecture and in human faces. In the gothic sense, buildings are faces.

Restful peace

The way that peace should be transmitted and experienced is well known to humanity, belongs to values. This is the peace of forms and the peace of words, and not only the words of peace.

The evolution of ancient semiotics

Signos y formas han evolucionado desde los modos primitivos del pasado hasta las modernas telecomunicaciones y las autopistas de la información Los negros materiales hechos de hierro eran la base de la comunicación de los signos, abiertamente incrustados en motivos de la naturaleza y del mundo animal.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The poverty trap

The poverty trap follows because some people or some society has not the needed resources to get out of poverty. The sensation is one of being trapped into a situation which is rejected by the majority, although it does not have to be the same for all. The ascension in the welfare ladder can be a fact for some.

The human quest

Imagine what would be a non-human world, with alternative beings, and what would they think and how would they love … From human to non-human, the evolving motion that has been many times trespassed in many different situations. It should be, as always is, a cutting edge breakthrough.

The composer

Spiralling is also a part of making new things which can emerge from the composer’s talent. The composer is present in everything, from music to any other act of creation. Peaceful and embroiling thinking define the composer, classical or modern.

Forthcoming Halloween

There is a time of obscurity, in which passion supersedes reason. Human festivities can say something about humans in general. You can see how the inclination of passion gives way to sex symbols.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Indoctrination is a phenomenon in every side of a conflict and in many aspects of life. It involves giving advice and conducing people on the same line of thinking as others. It can start in early life and sometimes it is just perverse and misdirected.

Other cultures looking from the desert

When somebody stands at you asking for permission to say something in a conducted dialogue, you might recognize that there might be only one direction in the conversation. There is some sort of a desert where other cultures ask for inclusion in a global globe. Desert is here a sense of loneliness, and abandonment.

New planet

New planet development is a process which emulates human brain development. Every time there is a new planet coming up in the Universe, new ideas, new frontiers, emerging from the bottom of being.

Forthcoming robotic age

The new post-modern age will guide society and the world to a new constellation where physical objects will never be a necessity, or useful. Flashes of light will guide post-post-modern thought and interaction, unwired, but with trend.
La nueva época post-moderna guiará la sociedad y el mundo a una nueva constelación donde los objetos físicos no serán una necesidad, o incluso útiles. Flashes de luz guiarán el pensamiento post-post-moderno y la interacción, sin cables, pero bajo una tendencia.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Building the edifice of illustration

Reason is the basis of scientific discovery, as opposed to passion and believes, which sometimes misguide reasoning. Reason is both based and the result of irony and pleasure, as opposed to violence and pain. Illustration brought the spectator of reason beings to society, building an edifice of proofs and counterproofs which founded modern world.

African rock

Africa is full of inside rocks and wonderful beauty. Rock here means a variety of landscapes –human and natural- in the same space, eroded by the passage of time and the over-exploitation and abandonment. Impressive meteorites need to come from space in order to make a convulsive impulsion to the needed development process.

Liberty and capitalism

Capitalism sounds like liberty, and the beauty of the statue which represents it. But it can also sounds increasingly as extreme complacency, a way of looking as from the dominant culture, and in increasingly conflict with the “anti-culture”.


What an enormous thing could come out of unveiling! It is a surprising and shocking effect, both for the viewer and for the protagonist. Despair, angriness, developing communication with unknown and new interlocutors, all about what has been for so long hidden and repressed, comes out from the veil, unexpectedly, out of nothing.