Saturday, June 28, 2008

Manhattan revolt

The lower city can be seen as the center around which a large part of the word usually revolved in sound, air, and new tendencies of love and value. This is noticeable in the ambience enveloping human thought, from the clear high sky to the dusty dark ground zero.

Friday, June 27, 2008

The monster of pain

The distress caused by a potential unilateral rupture of an emotional link reappears recursively with atrocious flows and winds. All this leads to a ghostly mountainous monster trapping the self.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The dual entity

The somber instigated by the dual entity on people’s minds overshadows any potential confluence of desires and wants. Duality of the self is always an expressive mean of discrimination and marginalization.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The hope of the people

When there is hope there is future. The hope of change is noticeable in the minds of people intermingled with the rectangular buildings and planning of WDC in a hot and bright summer.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Navigate between worlds

Multiple worlds make it useful to have navigating skill in order to deal with complexity and diversity in its various forms. Navigation only succeeds under sensitivity and comprehension towards ethnicity and eccentricity.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Beyond multiple worlds

Diversity is a tenet of modern developments creating and expansion of multiple worlds in the human mind and in the constituted societies. Beyond this process there is a syncretic amalgamation of thoughts and feelings.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The hug neuron

The emotional impulse to hug and frame is guided by an electrical order of the responsible neuron. Framing is based on the conception that one or various things or elements must be inside another.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The gravity human

Humans are attracted to each other through emotional gravity. The essence of this attractive force can be seen as a subhuman corpse inside the human entity.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Elements of a networking thought

Thoughts connect each other visibly and invisibly across faces and forms in one or multiple bodies. The elements of the connection produce dissipating energy towards others and the environment.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Stimulus formation

Behavior reacts to stimulus, and this has a formation process coming from the hart neuron. To understand how stimulus comes out to impinge humans there is need to consider how stimulus are formed out of the forces of nature and human interaction.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Body visions from above

The interior body cognition requires a holistic vision in which all elements are taken into account. This vision is felt sensually and pursued in scrutinizing steps.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The park and society

Nature surrounds society but society also needs nature. This is also in Henri Pittier. Individuals place buildings and infrastructure in nature, and this is present in their lives with prominent recurrence, claiming respect and sympathy with its charm.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The upcoming world of veil

There is an increasing tendency to see the world, nature and societies through a veil, such the market veil, the religious veil, or the value veil. Veils allow subjects to have their own perception of their world, and this is induced by failed reductionism, social change and technology.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Cultural convergence paths

Culture converge in many ways from above and from below, towards a centroid of extraneous confusion coming from nature. This is a convergence from nature to nature. There are paths for this convergence, and there are forces accelerating it, such as the force of technology and verbal and non-verbal communication.